Blogger Layouts

The Walk Cycle

I am creating a generic walkcycle based on the diagrams of Richard Williams, sampled from the Animator's survival kit.

The development of this walkcycle, will be shown via a series of captures taken using XSI.

The Legs

I have started by keyframing the movement of the legs.  I will be animating seperate parts of the body in a certain order, to avoid over complicating the process.

Walk Cycle Capture 2 from Johnathan Sigalas on Vimeo.

Walk Cycle 3rd Capture from Johnathan Sigalas on Vimeo.

There is an awkward snapping motion on the right leg that needs correcting

Walk Cycle 4th Capture from Johnathan Sigalas on Vimeo.

Using the F-Curve editor, I managed to soften the movement in between the contact point. There were some unnecessary key frames found on the some curves which were effecting the fluidity of the movement.

The Arms


Here I began to key in the arm positions

Walk Cycle 5th Capture from Johnathan Sigalas on Vimeo.

At this point I had keyed in all of the arm positions. Various positions are in need of tweaking as, the arm is not flowing smoothly.

Walk Cycle 7th Capture from Johnathan Sigalas on Vimeo.

The arm is moving more effectively now that the key frames have been modified.

walk cycle 9th capture from Johnathan Sigalas on Vimeo.

Walk Cycle 12th Capture from Johnathan Sigalas on Vimeo.

Walkcycle 13th capture from Johnathan Sigalas on Vimeo.

The Lean

I keyframed some head movements on certain positions for experimentational purposes

Walk Cycle 13th Capture lean from Johnathan Sigalas on Vimeo.

This was an experiment, to see what the result of implementing head movement would be. It was too erratic and made the animation look uncomfortable.

The Final Capture

walk cycle 14th capture from Johnathan Sigalas on Vimeo.

This is my final version of the walk cycle, I thought by adding upper body key frames, that it gave a good balance to the overall animation and also added some characteristics. When the upper body was idol it looked too stiff and was more of a march than a casual stroll.