Blogger Layouts

The Acting Piece

This part of the brief, instructed me to film a reference film of an action that I would like to animate and then proceed to animate this action.

The Action

I had 2 ideas that I would have liked to animate, one was a basketball player taking a shot (inspiration was taken from Lebron James, a professional NBA player).  The way Lebron James hops backwards from the shot is interesting.

The other action was a boxer with a very well known style, Cassius Clay.  I like the way he prances and speeds around the ring.  The rhythm and footwork is fascinating.  So I attempted to re-enact it in my reference footage.

Progressive Captures

TheBoxerCapture1 from Johnathan Sigalas on Vimeo.

Boxer Capture 2 from Johnathan Sigalas on Vimeo.

Boxer Capture 3 from Johnathan Sigalas on Vimeo.

Boxer Capture 4 from Johnathan Sigalas on Vimeo.

Boxer Capture 5 from Johnathan Sigalas on Vimeo.

Boxer Capture 6 from Johnathan Sigalas on Vimeo.

Boxer Capture 7 from Johnathan Sigalas on Vimeo.

Boxer Capture 8 from Johnathan Sigalas on Vimeo.

Boxer Capture 9 from Johnathan Sigalas on Vimeo.

Boxer Capture 10 from Johnathan Sigalas on Vimeo.