Blogger Layouts

Monday 28 March 2011

Characterised Ball Bounce Version 2

characterised ball bounce 2 from Johnathan Sigalas on Vimeo.

To improve on the ball bounce, the dope sheet and f-curve editor were used in order to re-time certain points and add a flow or fluidity to the movement.

Characterised Ball Bounce

The brief for this instructed me to give the ball some kind of character, to show how much it would like to get over this wall and have a peak at whatever is behind.

Characterised ball bounce from Johnathan Sigalas on Vimeo.

This is a first attempt at characterising a ball bounce, this quicktime video was exported for analytical purposes and helped me to assess the flaws in it.

Crazy Golf

The aim of this exercise was to make the ball traverse down the slide, through the posts and off of the edge into the box using the animation tools.
This proved to be a more of a challenge than the last Croquet exercise. I found myself thinking and trying to analyse how the ball would react to travelling down the slide (where will it increase or decrease in speed etc), also how the ball spins when it deflects off of another object.

Crazy Golf from Johnathan Sigalas on Vimeo.


This exercise was set after I had been taught the basic animation tools that Soft Image possesses.  The task was to animate the mallet making contact with the ball and thus sending it through the posts.  I used this as a chance to experiment, so even though a croquet ball does not deform in any way, I knowingly made the ball squish slightly on impact to see what the outcome would be, and how effective it would be also.  Another aspect of animation that this exercise made me take into account, is weight and speed.  I tried to convey weight through the mallet swing.

Soft Image Croquet exercise from Johnathan Sigalas on Vimeo.

Mr Potato Head (The Spudfather)

In this exercise, I was given the character model of Mr Potato Head to make a scene of my choice with.  I chose to make a 'Godfather' esc scene and experimented with shape and lighting slightly.